Minggu, 11 September 2011

Gladiator's Tomb found in Rome

gladiator photos
Grave of a gladiator named Mark Nonius Macrinus was recently discovered in Rome by the archaeologist. Mark was the pride of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius gladiators who lived in the late second century to jointly fight in getting the glory in mainland Europe.

"This historic discovery of the Romans are very important to see clearly his life for 20 or 30 years," said senior archaeologist, Daniella Rossi, in Rome, Sunday (19/10). The tomb was discovered along the northern border city of Via Flamia.

There are marble stones that provide inspiration and decoration that has been beautifully maintained for centuries. Everything is buried in the mud that actually protect valuables when a big flood on the River Tiber.

Rossi adds, there are many more graves are buried in the mud and today archaeologists continue to search for the tombs of the final resting place of these gladiators. Besides the tomb of gladiator, on the site there is where the emperor lived in the city center of Rome, also believed there is an underground road, where the Emperor Caligula to kill soldiers at the time.

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